Previous Events
SUMMIT-P at MichMATYC 2023
Website for Michigan AMATYC conference:
Pre-Conference Workshop
Piercey, V. Interdisciplinary Collaboration Strategies for Curricular Reform. Friday, September 29, 2023
Keynote Speaker
Piercey, V. On the Nodes: Cross-Disciplinary Connections. Saturday, September 30, 2023.
SUMMIT-P at MathFest 2023
A Study of DE Knowledge Transfer to Engineering Courses: A SUMMIT-P Initiative Rebecca Segal, Laura Ellwein-Fix, Afroditi Filippas, Virginia Commonwealth University, Tampa Convention Center, August 2023.
Aligning Differential Equations with Partner Disciplines through Applications (a SUMMIT-P Collaboration) Rebecca Segal, Virginia Commonwealth University, Tampa Convention Center, August 2023.
Building Interdisciplinary Partnerships to Create Application-Focused Mathematics Content, a SUMMIT-P Project, Rebecca Segal, Virginia Commonwealth University, Tampa Convention Center, August 2023.
SUMMIT-P at Other Conferences 2022-23
Active Learning in Economics: Lessons from SUMMIT-P Stella Hofrenning, Augsburg University, American Economic Association Conference, New Orleans, LA, January 2023
SUMMIT-P at SLU Mike May, Saint Louis University, International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Denver, CO, November 2022
Improving Mathematics and Statistics Education in Nursing: National Recommendations and Implications for Further Collaboration Victor Piercey (Ferris State University), Daniel Ozimek, and Anna Wendel, National League of Nurses Summit, Las Vegas, NV, September 2022
Using a Faculty Learning Community to Reduce Student Math Anxiety Liz Post, Mischelle Stone, Lauren Cavner-Williams, and Mary Beaudry, Ferris State University, Lilly Conference on Teaching and Learning, Asheville, NC, August 2022
Supporting Quantitative Habits of Mind with Roleplay Victor Piercey, Ferris State University, Games, Learning, and Society Conference, University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA, June 2022
A Failed Context: Reflections on a Mathematics Role-Playing Game about the Flint Water Crisis Victor Piercey, Ferris State University, Games, Learning, and Society Conference, University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA, June 2022
Applied and Active Calculus Built through Interdisciplinary Collaborations: A SUMMIT-P Project Su Dorée and Jody Sorensen, Augsburg University, AWM Research Symposium, Association for Women in Mathematics, Minneapolis, MN, June, 2022
SLU-SUMMIT-P Making Math Education More Effective for Business Students Mike May, Anneke Bart, and Debbie Pike, Saint Louis University, poster presentation at IUSE Summit on Propelling Change, Moving from Strategy Toward Effective and Equitable Undergraduate STEM Education, National Science Foundation and American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington DC, June 2022
Workshop on Humanistic STEM Debra Bourdeau, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, IUSE Summit on Propelling Change, Moving from Strategy Toward Effective and Equitable Undergraduate STEM Education, National Science Foundation and American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington DC, June 2022
Connecting Partner Disciplines with Mathematics through Applications in Differential Equations Rebecca Segal, Laura Ellwein Fix, Afroditi Filippas, Virginia Commonwealth University, poster presentation at IUSE Summit on Propelling Change, Moving from Strategy Toward Effective and Equitable Undergraduate STEM Education, National Science Foundation and American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington DC, June 2022
Renovating Calculus with the Partner Disciplines at Augsburg University: A SUMMIT-P Project Su Dorée, Augsburg University, poster presentation at IUSE Summit on Propelling Change, Moving from Strategy Toward Effective and Equitable Undergraduate STEM Education, National Science Foundation and American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington DC, June 2022
SUMMIT-P: Using Faculty Learning Communities in Mathematics and Partner Disciplines at Lee University Caroline Maher-Boulis, Lee University, poster at IUSE Summit on Propelling Change, Moving from Strategy Toward Effective and Equitable Undergraduate STEM Education, National Science Foundation and American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington DC, June 2022
Adapting an In-Person Human Trafficking Group Activity to an Asynchronous Online Learning Experience: A SUMMIT-P Project Beverly Wood (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University) and Victor Piercey (Ferris State University), Joint Mathematics Meeting (virtual), April 2022
Building Interdisciplinary Partnerships to Create Application-Focused Mathematics Content: A SUMMIT-P Project Rebecca Segal, Virginia Commonwealth University, COMMIT workshop at MAA Maryland, DC, Virginia Section Meeting, Montgomery College, MD, April 2022
Reflections on Interdisciplinary Teaching Partnerships: The SUMMIT-P Model Victor Piercey, Ferris State University, Invited Speaker at MAA Michigan Section Annual Meeting, Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, MI, April 2022
Manipulative Use in the Classroom: A SUMMIT-P Project Jason Robinson, Lee University, Center for Teaching Excellence, Lee University, April 2022
Laplace Meets Tesla in a Differential Equations Class Maila Brucal-Hallare and Shahrooz Moosavizadeh, Norfolk State University, Annual Conference of the Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics, March 2022
Rethinking Business Calculus with Excel and Open-Source Materials Mike May, Saint Louis University, ICTCM22, Orlando, FL, March 2022
Using Excel for Modeling and Template Construction in Service Courses Mike May, Saint Louis University, ICTCM22, Orlando, FL, March 2022
Classroom Activities from Interdisciplinary Collaborations between Math and Economics Stella Hofrenning, Augsburg University, Academy of Business Economics at Midwest Business Administration Association International Conference, Chicago, IL, March 2022
Interdisciplinary Interventions to Use in Algebra Courses Caroline Maher-Boulis, Lee University, MAA Southeastern Section Meeting, March 2022
Application-Centric Mathematics Curriculum for Electrical Engineering Majors Makarand Deo, Shahrooz Moosavizadeh, and Maila Brucal-Hallare, Norfolk State University, ASEE Annual Conference, Prairie View A & M University, Prairie View, TX, March 2022
Humanistic STEM: How Partnering with STEM Disciplines Can Elevate the Humanities Debra Bourdeau and Beverly Wood, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Northeast Modern Language Association 52nd Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD, March 2022
What is the Future of Humanistic STEM? Debra Bourdeau and Beverly Wood, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Northeast Modern Language Association 52nd Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD, March 2022
Quantitative Reasoning and Foreign Affairs: A SUMMIT-P Project Victor Piercey, Ferris State University, National Numeracy Network Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, March 2022
Integrating Quantitative Reasoning in the Majors with a Faculty Learning Community: A SUMMIT-P Project Victor Piercey, Ferris State University, National Numeracy Network Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, March 2022
Collaborating with the Humanities to Improve Quantitative Habits of Mind Beverly Wood and Debra Bourdeau, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, National Numeracy Network Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, March 2022
Wireless Power Transfer: Powering Up Your Toothbrush Makarand Deo, Shahrooz Moosavizadeh, and Maila Brucal-Hallare, Norfolk State University, Engineering Mathematics, and Mathematics and Art, Warwick High School, Newport News, VA, February 2022
Working with Discipline Partners to Enhance Entry Level Math Classes Janet Bowers (San Diego State University) and Bori Mazzag (California State Polytechnic University - Humboldt), CSEMS California State University STEM-NET Consortium, February 2022
Laplace Meets Tesla in a Differential Equations Class Maila Brucal-Hallare, Norfolk State University, SIMIODE Expo 2022, February 2022
Strengthening the Research-Teaching-Research Nexus: The Undergraduate Approach Maila Brucal-Hallare, Norfolk State University, SIMIODE Expo 2022, February 2022
SUMMIT-P at MathFest 2022
Marriott Downtown, Philadelphia, PA. August 3 - 6, 2022
MAA Minicourse on the SUMMIT-P Model
Re-imaging the Mathematics Curriculum in the First Two Years in Collaboration with Partner Disciplines -- the SUMMIT-P Model. Pre-registration is required and space is limited. The cost is $110 through June 30 and $120 thereafter.
Victor Piercey (Ferris State University) and Su Doree are leading this 4-hour Minicourse which will provide hands-on experience with strategies that the SUMMIT-P consortium have used to build and sustain interdisciplinary partnerships to work on improving calculus, quantitative reasoning, amd other introductory mathematics courses. Participants will also try examples of innovative in-class activities built by those partnerships.
The minicourse meets Thu Aug 4 and Fri Aug 5 from 3:00-4:50 PM in Salon K of the Philadelphia Marriott-Downtown.
SUMMIT-P Contributed Paper Session
The Impact of Interdisciplinary Collaborations: Lessons from SUMMIT-P and Other Projects. Thursday Aug 4 from 8:00 - 10:55 am in Salon J of the Philadelphia Marriott-Downdown.
8:00-8:15 AM 20 + 20 + 20 = 70: An Inquiry-based Active Learning Structure for Calculus Developed in the SUMMIT-P Project Suzanne Dorée, Augsburg University
8:00-8:15 AM Sustainable Curricular Reform - SUMMIT-P at SLU Mike May, S.J., Anneke Bart, Kim Druschell, Debbie Pike, Saint Louis University
8:20-8:35 AM Scenario-Based Teaching and Learning Victor Piercey, Rhonda Bishop, Mischelle Stone, Ferris State University
8:40-8:55 AM A SUMMIT-P Project: Creating Interdisciplinary Partnership between Math and Engineering to Inspire Application-Forward Content Rebecca Segal, Laura Ellwein Fix, Afroditi Filippas, Virginia Commonwealth University
9:00-9:15 AM Science Interventions for Implementation in Algebra for Calculus Course: An Outcome of the SUMMIT-P Project Caroline Maher-Boulis, Lee University
9:20-9:35 AM Just in Time Review for Accounting Anneke Bart, Debbie Pike, Mike May, Saint Louis University
9:40-9:55 AM Trickle Down Effects from SUMMIT-P Collaboration: Helping to Bridge the Gap between Math and Chemistry Courses John Hearn, Lee University
10:20-10:35 AM Important Questions for Developing Applied Mathematics Problems: A SUMMIT-P Project Lynn Gumpinger, Mary Beisiegel, Oregon State University
11:40-11:55 AM Building Students' Quantitative Reasoning in Economics Courses: Lessons from the SUMMIT-P Project Stella Hofrenning, Augsburg University
Using Excel to Make Service Courses More Effective Mike May, Anneke Bart, Saint Louis University. Fri Aug 5, from 2:30 - 3:50 PM in Salon C of the Philadelphia Marriott-Downtown.
Poster Session
Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education - this poster session will have posters from several SUMMIT-P institutions. Thursday Aug 4 9:00-10:20 AM in Franklin Hall A.
Other SUMMIT-P Talks
Not Just Physics --Applications from the Partner Disciplines in Calculus: A SUMMIT-P Project Jody Sorensen, Augsburg University. Friday Aug. 5 from 8:20-8:35 AM in Room 410 of the Philadelphia Marriott-Downtown.
An Interdisciplinary Initiative towards Modeling-First Differential Equations Laura Ellwein Fix, Rebecca Segal, Afroditi Filippas, Virginia Commonwealth University. Friday Aug. 5 from 9:00-9:15 AM in Salon D of the Philadelphia Marriott-Downtown.
Laplace Meets Tesla In a Differential Equations Course - A SUMMIT-P Project Shahrooz Moosavizadeh, Maila Hallare, Makarand Deo, Norfolk State University. Friday Aug. 5 from 10:40-10:55 AM in the Philadelphia Marriott-Downtown.
Exploring Themes of Social Inequalities in Three Different Types of Statistics Courses Kim Druschell, Mike May, Saint Louis University, Thursday Aug. 4 from 10:40 to 10:55 am in Salon F of the Philadelphia Marriott-Downtown.
How Data Science Naturally Brings Social Awareness into the Classroom: Insights from a SUMMIT-P Collaboration Senjuti Dutta, Alex Bentley, Jeneva Lauren Clark, Nicholas Nagle, Thursday Aug. 4 from 10:20 to 10:35 am in Salon F of the Philadelphia Marriott-Downtown.
SUMMIT-P Spring 2022 Virtual Workshop Series
The National Consortium for Synergistic Undergraduate Mathematics via Multi-institutional Interdisciplinary Teaching Partnerships (SUMMIT-P) has been working since 2016 to revise and improve the lower division undergraduate mathematics curriculum. The key element of these innovations is interdisciplinary partnerships, with partner disciplines directly involved in decisions about curricular needs. Collectively, the consortium has impacted over 60,000 undergraduate students and 250 college faculty from a wide array of disciplines (
A webinar series is being conducted this Spring to share some of the numerous interdisciplinary classroom activities developed by SUMMIT-P institutions (submitted as an MAA Notes volume, Synergistic Undergraduate Mathematics via Multi-Institutional Teaching Partnerships: Resources from SUMMIT-P for Building Interdisciplinary Collaboration). Sponsored by MAA’s committee on Curriculum Renewal Across the First Two Years (CRAFTY), this series will include four 90-minute webinars that will provide rich discussions and hands-on experiences with the SUMMIT-P classroom activities. Participants also will be invited to become members in the SUMMIT-P consortium, which will provide additional support and activities for using SUMMIT-P classroom modules as well as implementation of proven methods of engagement with partner discipline departments. The SUMMIT-P/CRAFTY Webinar Series will kick off on Tuesday, February 1. See below for information about each of the workshops. Zoom log-in details are included below:
Meeting ID: 991 7804 4213
Passcode: 419134
Estimating solar energy based on data: An application of the Riemann sum
Humboldt State University, February 1, 2022 at 3:00-4:30pm ET
An Excel-based calculus activity and related student project will be shared that illustrate an application of the Riemann sum using solar radiation data. In addition to linking the mathematical content to an engineering application, the project emphasizes the impact of solar energy on a local Native community—leading to student reflections on their own energy use.
If you plan to attend this session, please register here:
Business Calculus: Finding the input to give a desired output using Goal Seek
Saint Louis University, March 1, 2022 at 3:00-4:30pm ET
To put problems in context requires a “what-if” analysis to find the y that is produced by a given x. Mechanical aids, like Goal Seek in Excel, allow students to address these questions for problems beyond their algebraic skill level. In this webinar, problems with parameters as well as processes that do not simply reduce to a simple formula will be investigated.
If you plan to attend this session, please register here:
Graphical analysis in biomedical engineering: ECGs
Norfolk State University, March 24, 2022 at 3:00–4:30 pm ET
A biomedical engineering application, to be used in calculus courses, will be shared to emphasize the utility of graphical analysis methods. Electrocardiography is a non-invasive and non-medicated procedure of recording heart signals that produces electrocardiograms (ECG). These ECGs are used by medical personnel to conduct preliminary analyses of heart activity. The use of calculus in analyzing ECGs will be emphasized.
If you plan to attend this session, please register here:
Producing interdisciplinary course materials using faculty learning communities inspired by SUMMIT-P
Ferris State University, April 5, 2022 at 3:00-4:30pm ET
Through the SUMMIT-P webinar series, examples of products from the SUMMIT-P consortium have been shared. Now it’s time for faculty at each participating institution to collaboratively create new activities. SUMMIT-P institutions have had success using faculty learning communities (FLC), a collaborative professional development structure that emphasizes faculty teams learning together as they work toward a pedagogical goal. This webinar will illustrate how Ferris State University’s SUMMIT-P team built and facilitated a FLC to strengthen and expand their collaborative work.
If you plan to attend this session, please register here:
Ethical Data Communication in the Healthcare Curriculum
Victor Piercey and Anna Wendel
Virtual Webinar sponsored by the Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas-Austin, November 2021
What do Victor Frankenstein, John Glenn, and Walt Whitman Have in Common? Creating STEM/Humanities Partnerships
Debra Bourdeau, Beverly Wood, and Karen Keene
Workshop at AACU Virtual Conference on Transforming STEM Higher Education, November 2021
The Impact of Interdisciplinary Collaboration Opportunities for Mathematics and Social Science Majors
Brian Poole and Caroline Maher-Boulis
Society for the Teaching of Psychology Annual Conference, October 2021
Building Interdisciplinary Partnerships to Create Application-Focused Mathematics Content: A SUMMIT-P Project
Rebecca Segal
First2 Network Vitrual Convening, October 2021
Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration to Develop, Implement, and Maintain Multiple Forms of Inquiry in a Quantitative Reasoning Course at Ferris State University
Victor Piercey
Invited Presentation at AMS Central Sectional Meeting, American Mathematical Society, October 2021
The SUMMIT-P Project: Transforming Undergraduate Mathematics Education to Support Partner Disciplines
Hargraves, R.H. and Filippas, A.V.
ASEE Annual Meeting, July 2021
Business Calculus with Excel
Mike May
PTMT Workshop on Undergraduate Teaching with Mathematics and Statistics Action Technologies, June 2021
Discussion Series on Recommendations for Mathematics Education for Nurses
Victor Piercey, with Daniel Ozimek, Joan Zoellner, Beth Kelch, and Anna Wendel
Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas-Austin, May 2021 - July 2021
Quantitative Reasoning Workshop
Victor Piercey
Mathematical Inquiry Project of the Oklahoma Public Universities, May 2021
Integrating Social Justice into Mathematics Classes
Victor Piercey
MAA Seaway Section and Greater-Upstate New York Inquiry-Based Learning Community, April 2021
Northeast Modern Language Association 52nd Annual Conference
Bourdeau, D. and Wood, B., March 2021, Virtual
Presentation - Humanistic STEM: From Concept to Course and Beyond
Roundtable - Building and Sustaining Interdisciplinary Partnerships
Invited Talk: Careers in Mathematics
Jeneva Clark
Fisk University, Nashville TN (virtual), March 2021
Presentation: Deficits, Descartes, and Discovery - An Observational Approach to Teaching Curvature
Clark, J.M. and Clark, L.J.
MAA Southeastern Section Meeting, March 2021
Presentation: If You Hopped Like a Frog - Groupwork and Creativity in an Online Setting
Dennerlein, J. and Clark, L.J.
MAA Southeastern Section Meeting, March 2021
Presentation: Infinity and Beyond - Teaching Infinity to Non-STEM Majors
Honeycutt, J. and Clark, L.J.
MAA Southeastern Section Meeting, March 2021
Presentation: Ballot Box Bogglers - Unexpected Connections Between Voting and Fairness
Siktar, J. and Clark, L.J.
MAA Southeastern Section Meeting, March 2021
Presentation: Teaching Math with Food Manipulatives
Spence, L. and Grinstead, L.
MAA Southeastern Section Meeting, March 2021
Presentation: Building an Open-Source, Excel-Based, Business Calculus Course with Online Homework and Videos
Mike May
MAA Missouri Section Meeting, March 2021
Presentation: Too Many Cooks in the QR Kitchen? Leveraging Interdisciplinary Expertise in Developing an Alternative Math Pathway
Beverly Wood and Debra Bourdeau
National Numeracy Network Annual Meeting, February 2021
Presentation: Working with Discipline Partners to Enhance Entry-Level Math Classes
Bowers, J.S. and Mazzag, B.
California State University STEM-NET Web Presentations, February 2021
Presentation: SUMMIT-P. Math Faculty Collaborate with Client Disciplines to Improve Lower Division
Bowers, J.S. and Mazzag, B.
STEM-NET California State University Faculty Interest Group Meting, February 4 2021
Presentation: Peer Leaders at SDSU
Bowers, J.S. and Pilgrim, M.
California State University Math Council Colloquia (MC^2), January 24 2021
Joint Mathematics Meeting, January 2021
MAA Contributed Paper Session on Incorporating Realistic Applications of Mathematics Through Interdisciplinary Collaborations
Organized by Mary Beisiegel, Suzanne Doree, Mary R. Parker, Rebecca Segal.
Part 1: Wednesday January 6, 9:00 am to 10:55 am
9:00 a.m.
A Compartmental Analysis Model of Persistent Environmental Toxins.
John C Merkel*, Oglethorpe University
Robert Dougherty-Bliss, Rutgers University
(1163-A5-1414)9:20 a.m.
Fostering Increased Sense of Belonging in a Calculus Class through an Inter-disciplinary Project in the Context.
Girija S Nair-Hart*, University of Cincinnati, Clermont
(1163-A5-1145)9:40 a.m.
Integrating Quantitative Reasoning and Clinical Judgment: An On-going Collaboration Between Mathematics and Nursing Faculty at a Health Sciences College.
Lindsay C Good*, Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences
Daniel L Ozimek, Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences
(1163-A5-1352)10:00 a.m.
Integrating Geoscience Contexts into Precalculus.
Theresa A. Jorgensen*, Department of Mathematics, University of Texas at Arlington
Elizabeth M. Griffith, School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State University
W. Ashley Griffith, School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State University
Brittan Wogsland, School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State University
Lindsey Hernandez, School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State University
J. Lowe, Department of Mathematics, University of Texas at Arlington
(1163-A5-1054)10:20 a.m.
An Application of Mathematical Structures to a Philosophical Debate.
Deborah C. Arangno*, Holy Cross College
(1163-A5-221)10:40 a.m.
Realistic Yet Comprehensible Models of Applied Problems using Monte-Carlo Simulations in Discrete Mathematics.
Gregory V. Bard*, The University of Wisconsin---Stout
Part 2: Wednesday January 6, 2:15 pm to 3:30 pm
2:15 p.m.
Variables and Parameters in Math for Business.
Mike May*, Saint Louis University
(1163-A5-1418)2:35 p.m.
Incorporating Chemistry into a Calculus Lab.
Pavel Belik*, Augsburg University (Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science)
Joan Kunz, Augsburg University (Department of Chemistry)
(1163-A5-1363)2:55 p.m.
Integrating Mathematics, Science, Engineering and Technology to Prepare Secondary Teachers.
Janet M Shiver*, Central Washington University
Ian Quitadamo, Central Washington University
Tim Sorey, Central Washington University
(1163-A5-1460)3:15 p.m.
Sequential Optimal Designs for Estimating Population Dynamics.
R E Bergee*, Virginia Commonwealth University
E L Boone, Virginia Commonwealth University
R A Ghanam, Virginia Commonwealth University - Qatar
B Stewart-Koster, Australian Rivers Institute
Workshop: Increasing Engagement in and Support for Equity Work
Will feature Victor Piercey
Thursday, Jan. 7, 9:00 am
Panel: Cross-Discipline Collaboration for GE Content Development
Liza Boyle, Sonja Manor, Bori Mazzag, and Ruth Saunders
Teaching Excellence Symposium, December 3 2020, 12 - 12:50 pm
Invited Webinar: Successfully Navigating Online Education
Debra Bourdeau and Beverly Wood
IEEE Northern Virginia Section, November 2020
Invited Talk: Mathematics, Social Justice, and Ethics
Victor Piercey
Calvin College, November 2020
Using a Faculty Learning Community to Reduce Math Anxiety in Social Work Students
Liz Post, MSW, LMSW, and Mischelle Stone, Ph.D., Department of Social Work, Ferris State University
Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) meeting, November 18, 2020.
Invited Talk: Integrating Social Justice and Ethics Across the Mathematics Curriculum
Victor Piercey
MAA Michigan Section Upper Peninsula Annual Meeting
Invited Webinar: Successfully Navigating Online Education
Bourdeau, D., Wood, B.,
SUMMIT-P Webinar, September 2020
Calculus for Ecology? Identifying Quantitative Skills Applied in the Biology Curriculum
Williams, K., S. Bowers, J. Luque, and M. Anderson
106th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting (virtual), August 2020
Collaboration Paradigms Between Math and Engineering
Filippas, A.V.
ASEE Virtual Annual Conference, June 2020
Workshop: Humanistic STEM: How Partnering with STEM Disciplines Can Elevate the Humanities
Bourdeau, D., B. Wood
Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA), March 2020, Boston, MA.
Joint Mathematics Meeting, January 2020, Denver CO
MAA Workshop: Improving Undergraduate Mathematics Courses Using Problems from Partner Disciplines.
Ganter, S., Piercey, V., and Sorensen, J.
Wednesday January 15, 3:40 - 5:00
Incorporating Realistic Applications of Mathematics Through Interdisciplinary Collaborations
MAA Themed Contributed Paper Session organized by Mary Beisiegal, Su Doree, Mary Parker, and Rebecca Segal.
Thurs. Jan. 16, 2020. 8 am to 11:55 am.
8:00 a.m.
Integrating Geoscience Contexts into College Algebra.
Theresa Jorgensen*, Department of Mathematics, University of Texas at Arlington
Elizabeth Griffith, School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State University
W. Ashley Griffith, School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State University
Casey Saup, School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State University
Rebekah Aduddell, Department of Mathematics, University of Texas at Arlington
(1154-G1-2755)8:20 a.m.
Contextualize College Algebra with Economics.
Tao Chen*, CUNY LaGuardia Community Colllege
Glenn Henshaw, CUNY LaGuardia Community College
Soloman Kone, CUNY LaGuardia Community College
Choon Shan Lai, CUNY LaGuardia Community College
(1154-G1-1721)8:40 a.m.
A Hurricane Katrina Case Study: Integrating Social Justice, Health Care, and Business through Mathematics.
Victor I. Piercey*, Ferris State University
(1154-G1-231)9:00 a.m.
Magnifying the Role of Mathematics in the World of Sciences in Math Courses.
Shahrooz Moosavizadeh*, Norfolk State University
(1154-G1-1658)9:20 a.m.
Creating Calculus Activities through Interdisciplinary Collaborations.
Jody Sorensen*, Augsburg University
Suzanne Dorée, Augsburg University
(1154-G1-2204)9:40 a.m.
Delicious Mathematics: Contexts for Mathematical Exercises from the Science and Engineering of Food.
Artemis Karaali, Yeditepe University
Gizem Karaali*, Pomona College
(1154-G1-343)10:00 a.m.
Connecting Partner Disciplines with Mathematics through Applications in Differential Equations.
Rebecca Segal*, Virginia Commonwealth University
(1154-G1-654)10:20 a.m.
Incorporating Dentistry Applications from Interdisciplinary Collaborations into the Classroom.
Nicoleta Corcodel, University of Heidelberg
Kevin Rion, Bridgewater State University
Irina Seceleanu*, Bridgewater State University
Wanchunzi Yu, Bridgewater State University
(1154-G1-2443)10:40 a.m.
Introductory Statistics for nursing, physical therapy and allied health students.
Katherine Radler*, Saint Louis University
Kimberly Druschel, Saint Louis University
Michael May, Saint Louis University
Sadita Salihovic, Saint Louis University
(1154-G1-1558)11:00 a.m.
Collaboration between the College of Education and Department of Mathematical Sciences at Lee University.
Caroline Maher-Boulis*, Lee University
(1154-G1-733)11:20 a.m.
Mathematics and Redistricting: Authentic Learning through Government Partnerships.
Kyle Evans*, Trinity College
Active and Applied Calculus: a SUMMIT-P Collaboration
Dorée, S. and J. Sorensen
MAA Contributed Paper Session on Re-Envisioning the Calculus Sequence
Thurs. Jan. 16, 10:00 am
A complete CRAFTY inspired Business Calculus Course
May, M.
MAA Contributed Paper Session on Making Business Calculus Relevant
Friday, Jan. 17, 10:00 am.
Partnership in Action: Promoting STE Applications in M courses Via Team-Teaching
Brucal-Hallare, M., Moosavizadeh, S., Deo, M.
Mid-Atlantic RUME Conference, James Madison University, October 2019, Harrisonburg, VA.
Connecting Partner Disciplines with Mathematics through Applications in Differential Equations
Segal, R.
Mid-Atlantic RUME Conference, James Madison University, October 2019, Harrisonburg, VA.
Using a Faculty Learning Community for Course Revision: Lessons Learned
Stone, M., R. Bishop, and V. Piercey
Lilly Conference on Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning, International Teaching and Learning Cooperative (ITLC), October 2019, Traverse City, MI.
The Use of Manipulatives in the Classroom: An Outcome of Collaboration Between the Mathematics Department and College of Education
Jones, A., C. Maher-Boulis, and J. Robinson
Appalachian College Association Annual Summit, September 2019, Pigeon Forge, TN.
Student Collaboration: Integrating Mathematics and Social Sciences Through Statistics
Maher-Boulis, C., and B. Poole
Appalachian College Association Annual Summit, September 2019, Pigeon Forge, TN.
A Faculty Learning Community to Support Mathematics Education for Students in Nursing, Social Work, and Business
Piercey, V., M. Stone, and R. Bishop
MAA MathFest, August 2019, Cincinnati, OH.
Game and Simulation-Based Learning
Piercey, V.
Live Classroom Demonstration at National Inquiry-Based Learning and Teaching Conference, June 2019, Denver, CO
Applied and Active: Renovating Calculus at Augsburg
Belik, P., S. Dorée, J. Sorensen, J. Zobitz
Mathematical Association of America North Central Section meeting, April 2019, Augsburg University, Minneapolis, MN.
Connecting Partner Disciplines with Mathematics through Applications in Differential Equations
Segal, RA.
Math Ed Seminar, April 2019, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Correlation and collaboration: Integrating Mathematics and Social Sciences through Statistics
Poole, B. D., Conn, O., & Haynes, E.
65th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, March 2019, Jacksonville, FL.
Joint Mathematics Meeting, January 2019, Baltimore MD
Panel: Impacting Mathematics Instruction through Meaningful Collaboration with Partner Discipline Faculty
Ganter, S., Hargraves, R., Hofrenning, S., Piercey, V., and Williams, K.
Wednesday Jan. 16, 4:15 pm
Role-Playing Simulations in an Inquiry-Based Quantitative Reasoning Course
Piercey, V., R. Bishop, and M. Stone
MAA Contributed Paper Session on Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning
Friday, Jan. 18, 4:20 pm.
Connecting Partner Disciplines with Mathematics through Applications in Differential Equations
Segal, R.A.
AMS Special Session on Using Modeling to Motivate the Study of Differential Equations
Saturday, Jan. 19, 11:30 a.m.
A Renovated Calculus Class: Active and Applied
Sorensen, J.
MAA Contributed Paper Session on Integrated STEM Instruction in Undergraduate Mathematics
Thursday, Jan. 17, 1:00 pm.
Improving Mathematics Connections for Majors and Non-Majors through Interdisciplinary Partnerships
Victor Piercey, Caroline Maher-Boulis, and Mike May.
November 9, 2018, 2 pm - 3 pm, Hanover B, LowerLevel 2
AAC&U STEM Conference, Atlanta GA,
SUMMIT-P Collaboration at Ferris State University
Bishop, R.
Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Center, September 2018, Grand Rapids, MI.
Do Math and Economics Help Each Other?
Chen, T., G. Henshaw, S. Kone and C. Lai
Open Session, LaGuardia Community College, September 2018
From Cells to Ecosystems: Integrating Calculus and Statistics Throughout the Biology Major’s Curriculum
Williams, Kathy S., Janet S. Bowers, Antoni Luque, and Matt Anderson
104th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. August 2018, New Orleans, LA.
Collaborating with Partner Disciplines to Develop Interdisciplinary Teaching Materials
Piercey, V., R. Bishop, and M. Stone
MAA MathFest, Mathematical Association of America, August 2018, Denver, CO.
Bringing Authentic Modeling to College Algebra and Calculus through Collaboration with Partner Disciplines
Victor Piercey
SIAM Annual Meeting, Portland, OR
Wed. July 11, 2018. Oregon Convention Center, Room D139, 1:00 PM PST
Investigating issues of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in a Mathematics Class
Voigt, M., Bowers, J., & Kress, N.
2018 SEMINAL Conference, June 2018, Denver CO
Workshop: Models and Modeling in the Sciences
Diaz Eaton, C.
Research in STEM Education Undergraduate Teaching, June 2018, University of Maine, Orono ME.
Hosted by Susan Ganter and Victor Piercey, Presented by the Lee University SUMMIT-P team, May 2018
Interdisciplinary Collaborations and Resources Resulting from SUMMIT-P
Maher-Boulis, C.
College of Arts and Sciences Symposium, March 2018, Lee University, Cleveland, TN.
College Algebra Contextualized with Economics
Chen, T.
Innovative Practices in Developmental Mathematics Conference, March 2018, LaGuardia Community College
Mutualistic Networks: Dynamics, Data, and Education
Diaz Eaton, C.
Appalachian State University, February 2018, Boone, NC.
Joint Mathematics Meeting, January 2018, San Diego CA
MAA Session on Implementing Recommendations from the Curriculum Foundations
Project Room 31B, Upper Level, San Diego Convention Center
Wednesday January 10, 2018, 2:15 p.m.-5:35 p.m.
Organizers: Mary Beisiegel, Oregon State University; Janet Bowers, San Diego State University; Tao Chen, City University of New York - LaGuardia Community College; Susan Ganter, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Caroline Maher-Boulis, Lee University
MAA Invited Paper Session on Research in Improving Undergraduate Mathematical Sciences Education: Examples Supported by the National Science Foundation's IUSE: EHR Program
Room 3, Upper Level, San Diego Convention Center
Friday January 12, 2018, 8:00 a.m.-10:50 a.m.
SUMMIT-P investigators were invited by NSF to highlight the SUMMIT-P project in a 20-minute talk as part of this session. See the slides here.
NSF-DUE Poster Session
San Diego Convention Center
Thursday, January 11, 2018, 2:00p.m. – 4:00p.m.
Changing Mathematical Relationships and Mindsets: How All Students Can Succeed in Mathematics Learning
MAA Project NExT Lecture on Teaching and Learning
Ballroom 6AB, Upper Level, San Diego Convention Center
Thursday, January 11, 2018, 11:00 a.m.- 11:50 a.m.
Jo Boaler, Stanford University
This talk and discussion will consider how important new brain science can change students’ ideas and approaches to mathematics, change students’ mathematics pathways dramatically, and promote equity in mathematics classrooms. We will hear about research in neuroscience and education, watch classroom videos and consider mathematics transformations for school and college students.
An Inquire-Based Learning Course in Discrete Mathematics (for mathematics majors, computer science majors, and future teachers)
MAA Contributed talk
Wed Jan 10 at 3:55 pm
Su Doree
Revising MAA Guidelines on the Work of Faculty and Departments: Supporting Student Success
Thu Jan 11 at 10:35-11:55 am
Su Doree
You can lead a horse to water… : Nurturing motivation in the classroom
Fri Jan 12, 9:55
Su Doree
Abstract: Even well-crafted plans and activities may fail to engage undergraduates who enter the classroom with little or no motivation to understand the mathematical concepts set before them. What can instructors do to address this? This interactive panel brings together experienced mathematics faculty to offer insights and advice for engaging under-motivated students in the context of lower-division mathematics courses. Scenarios and strategies will be discussed, and questions will be welcome.
MAA Session on Trends in Undergraduate Mathematical Biology Education
Room 32A, Upper Level, San Diego Convention Center
Wednesday January 10, 2018, 2:15 p.m.-4:50 p.m.
Carrie Eaton
Translating Marine to Math
4:35 pm
Carrie Diaz Eaton*, School for Environmental Citizenship, Unity College Emma Perry, School for Biodiversity Conservation, Unity College (1135-D1-629)
Discusses a Unity project which focuses on translations between the two disciplines.
A "Rule-of-Five" Framework for Models and Modeling to Unify Mathematicians and Biologists and Improve Student Learning
3:35 pm
Hannah Callender Highlander*, University of Portland Carrie Eaton, Unity College (1135-D1-2235)
Outlays the PRIMUS article submission and the approach that has informed the new calculus framework being implemented at Unity College.
Career and Technical Content in High School Mathematics$^2$.
Authors: Jason Robinson, Caroline Maher-Boulis, Bryan Poole
Abstract: CATCH Math$^2$ is a project funded by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission. High school teachers gain insight into mathematical content and career-related skills in Statistics and Functions domains. The project involved a summer workshop where real-world problems, the use of manipulatives and hands-on science experiments enable the teachers, and hence their students, to realize the relevance of mathematics and become aware of career options for mathematics graduates. In this presentation we give an overview of the ideas of the project and share the results of the evaluation instruments used in assessing the project.
A Mock Fishbowl Discussion
Piercey, V.
National Numeracy Network, November 2017, New York City NY
Workshop: In the Fishbowl: Strategies for Conversations on Mathematics with the Partner Disciplines
Dorée, S., S. Ganter, R. Hobson, and S. Hoffrening
Transforming STEM Higher Education, Association of American College and Universities (AAC&U), November 2017, San Francisco CA
Interdisciplinary Faculty Learning Communities
Maher-Boulis, C.
Center for Teaching Excellence, August 2017, Lee University, Cleveland, TN.
Renovating Calculus Through Conversations with the Partner Disciplines
Sorensen, J.
MAA MathFest, July 2017, Chicago IL
Teaching Business Calculus in an Era of Spreadsheets and the Internet, A Complete Course
May, M. (2017)
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, March 2017, Chicago IL
Contextualizing College Algebra with Economics
Chen, T.
Second Annual Innovative Practices in Developmental Mathematics Conference, March 2017, LaGuardia Community College
Prospective Teachers Facilitating Active Learning Break-out Sections: What We’ve Learned So Far
Bowers, J., R. Hanna, and E. Meredith
Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership 6th annual conference, Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities (APLU), June 2017, New Orleans LA.